2008.10-2008.12 在英国卡迪夫大学访学
1979.9 - 1998.8,在山东聊城师范学院英语系工作,讲师/副教授/教授; 系主任
1998.8 – 2001.5,在中国海洋大学bat365官网登录工作,教授/经理/博导
1. SSCI:'Role relationship and their realization,国际杂志TEXTII(2),荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学,独立.
2. The Development of systemic functional linguistics in China,2005,Continuing Discourse on Language 英国,Equinox出版社,第一。
3. CSSCI核心:韩礼德功能文体学理论述评,《外语教学与研究》1999年第1期,独立
4. CSSCI核心:论话语基调的范围与体现,《外语教学与研究》1998年第1期,独立
5. CSSCI核心:论语篇连贯,《外语教学与研究》2000第2期,独立。
6. CSSCI核心:语类研究框架研究,《外语教学与研究》2002年第五期,第339页,独立,省科研成果二等奖
7. CSSCI核心:意义与形式的范畴化,2006,《外语教学与研究》,第6期,P423-427,第一。
9. CSSCI核心:系统功能语言学60年发展趋势研究,2018,《外语教学与研究》,第1期:59-70.独立。
10. CSSCI核心:论以语言符号为语言研究的基本单位,《外国语》1997第4期,独立。
11. CSSCI核心:论语域的预测能力,《外国语》1990第3期,独立。
12. CSSCI核心:系统语法与语用学,《外国语》1992第3期,独立。
13. CSSCI核心:语类研究概览,2002年《外国语》第四期,第13页,独立。
14. CSSCI核心:语篇连贯研究纵横谈,《外国语》1999第6期,独立
15. CSSCI核心:语篇衔接中的形式与意义,2005,《外国语》,第5期,P32-38,独立。
16. CSSCI核心:语言的非结构性组织形式与语篇连贯:论语篇连贯的条件,《外国语》1993第3期,独立。
17. CSSCI核心:符号学与前景化,《外国语》1994第6期,独立。
18. CSSCI核心:论衔接,《外国语》2001第2期23-28,独立,系列论文,省高校科研成果一等奖。
19. CSSCI核心:论语法概念隐喻中一致式与隐喻式的形似性原则,2008,《外国语》第六期。第一。
20. CSSCI核心:论汉语形似介名化产生的条件,2010,《外国语》第四期,p32-38, 第一。
21. CSSCI核心:第23届国际系统功能语言学大会记要,《国外语言学》1996第四期,独立。
22. CSSCI核心:系统功能语言学的新发展,2004年《当代语言学》第一期:57—65。,独立,人大复印资料全文转载。
23. CSSCI核心:语域理论简介,《现代外语》第4期1987,独立。
24. CSSCI核心:接应机制与语篇连贯:论语篇连贯的条件,《现代外语》1993 第四期,独立。
25. CSSCI核心:持之以恒,《现代外语》1992第4期,独立。
26. CSSCI核心:符号的系统性与语言系统:英汉语言系统对比研究,2003年《外语学刊》第一期,独立。
27. CSSCI核心:多模态话语模态的协同及在外语教学中的体现,2010年《外语学刊》第二期,p97-102, 第一。
28. CSSCI核心:功能语言学语言教学研究成果概观,2005,《外语与外语教学》,第1期,P19-22,独立。
29. CSSCI核心:系统功能语言学在中国发展的内部条件,《外语与外语教学》1998年第3期,独立。
30. CSSCI核心:衔接力与语篇连贯的程度,《外语与外语教学》2001第1期9-15,独立
31. CSSCI核心:衔接与文体—指称与词汇衔接的文体效应,2002年《外语与外语教学》第十期,第一页,独立。
32. CSSCI核心:语篇连贯的宏观原则研究,2006,《外语与外语教学》,第10期,P7-10,独立。
33. CSSCI核心:语篇跨层次、跨级阶衔接,2003年《外语与外语教学》第10期,第1页。
34. CSSCI核心:适用性社会符号学的理论与实践研究,2010年《外语与外语教学》第五期,p5-10, 独立。
35. CSSCI核心:多模态话语理论与媒体技术在外语教学中的应用,2009,《外语教学》第四期,第一。
36. CSSCI核心:韩礼德功能语言教学思想研究,2004年《外语教学》第3期:18—23,独立。
37. CSSCI核心:论衔接关系,2003年《外语教学》第一期,独立。
38. CSSCI核心:电视新闻访谈介入特征的韵律性模式探索,《外语教学》第四期,p6-10, 第二。
39. CSSCI核心:非语言特征的衔接作用,《解放军bat365官网登录学报》2000第4期21-25,独立
40. CSSCI核心:论语篇内部衔接的原则,《解放军bat365官网登录学报》2001第6期,独立。
41. CSSCI核心:论语言的交际中交际意图,《解放军bat365官网登录学报》1998年第3期,独立
42. CSSCI核心:语篇跨类衔接研究,2002年《解放军bat365官网登录学报》第六期第一页,独立。
43. CSSCI核心:从形式与意义的关系看含义的类型与解码,《外语研究》1999年第2期,独立
44 CSSCI核心:信息结构与语篇连贯,《外语研究》1993第三期,独立。
45. CSSCI核心:主位结构与语篇连贯,《外语研究》1994第三期,独立。
46. CSSCI核心:多模态外语教材编写原则探索,《外语界》第五期,p26-33, 第一。
47. CSSCI核心:我国外语专业本科生多元能力结构探索,《外语界》第六期,p2-10, 第一。
48. CSSCI核心:外语本科生多元能力培养教学选择模式探索,《外语界》第一期,p28-35, 第一。
49. CSSCI:系统功能语言学与外语电化教学,《外语电化教学》2004年第六期,独立。
50. CSSCI:语境理论与视听教学,2004年《外语电化教学》第4期:11—16,第一。
51. CSSCI:语类研究的范围及其对外语教学的启示,2002年《外语电化教学》第四期,第59页,独立。
52. CSSCI:多模态话语分析综合理论框架研究,2009,《中国外语》第一期,独立。
53. CSSCI:外语专业公司产品模式探索,2005,《中国外语》,第4期,P8-11,独立。
54. CSSCI:我们视野中的中国外语,2005,《中国外语》,第5期, P4-9,独立。
55. CSSCI:系统功能语言学在中国的发展,2006,《中国外语》,第2期,P27-32,独立。
56. CSSCI: 多模态外语教学的设计与模态调用初探,2010,《中国外语》第三期,p48-53, 独立。
57. CSSCI: 多模态论辩修辞框架探索,2017,《当代修辞学》第一期,p1-8, 独立。
58. 核心期刊:功能文体学研究方法探索,2007,论文,《四川bat365官网登录学报》第六期,独立。
59. 核心期刊:语篇结构的多层次性及其与小句的关系,《四川bat365官网登录学报》1998第4期,独立
60. 核心期刊:语言教学目标系统及应用,2004年《四川bat365官网登录学报》第4期:140—145。,独立。
61. 核心期刊:汉语语气系统的特点,2009,《外国语文》第五期,独立。
62. CSSCI核心:论汉语形似介名化产生的条件,2010,《外国语》第四期,p32-38, 第一。
63. CSSCI核心:多模态话语模态的协同及在外语教学中的体现,2010,《外语学刊》第二期,p97-102, 第一。
64. CSSCI核心:适用性社会符号学的理论与实践研究,2010,《外语与外语教学》第五期,p5-10, 独立。
65. CSSCI核心:多模态性外语教材编写原则探索,2010,《外语界》第五期,p26-33, 第一。
66. CSSCI核心:多模态外语教学的设计与模态调用初探,2010,《中国外语》第三期,p48-53, 独立。
67. 国际会议论文,The Meaning of Function: Syntax in Systemic Functional Linguistics. In Fang Yan & Wu Cazhong, 2009, Challenges to Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Practice, Beijing: Proceedings of the Conference ISFC36 Beijing July 2009.
68. CSSCI核心:卡迪夫语法述评,2011,当代语言学第三期,247-255页。
69. CSSCI核心:何继红,2011,韩礼德、哈桑访谈解评,外国语第五期,88-94页。
70. CSSCI核心:系统功能语言学,2011,中国外语第三期,1,65页。
71. CSSCI核心:王群,交通标志牌的图文关系与解读过程,2011,外语教学第四期,27-30页。
72. 核心:袁艳艳,动态多模态话语的模态协同研究——以电视天气预报多模态语篇为例,2011,山东外语教学第五期,9-16页。
73. CSSCI核心:刘秀丽,批评话语分析中的词汇语法,2011,中国海洋大学学报第二期,101-106页。
74. CSSCI核心:多模态学习能力培养模式探索,2012,第一,《外语研究》第2期。
75. 核心:论多模态话语设计,2012,第一,《山东外语教学》第1期。
76. CSSCI核心:多模态语法建构问题探索,2012,第一,《外语学刊》第3期。
77. CSSCI核心:多模态功能文体学理论框架探索,2012,第一,《外语教学》第3期。
78. CSSCI核心:系统功能语言学的句法研究,2012,第一,《bat365在线平台学报》第1期。
79. 核心:系统功能语言学的形式化进程,2012,李学宁第二(第一作者是员工),《山东外语教学》第1期。
80. CSSCI核心:多模态话语分析的多重视角——社会符号观与概念隐喻观的连接,2013,第一,《外国语》年第3期。
81. CSSCI核心,外语教学多模态选择框架探索,2013.《外语界》第3期。
82. CSSCI核心,回指可及性影响因素的认知心理学研究述评,2014.《外语学刊》第1期。
83. CSSCI核心,外语多元读写能力培养教学设计研究——以员工口头报告设计为例,2014.《中国外语》第3期。
84. CSSCI核心,论设计学习——多元读写能力培养模式研究,2014.《解放军bat365官网登录学报》第1期。
85. 国际论文集:The Meaning of Function: Syntax in Systemic Functional Linguistics:Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Application, 2014. Edited by Fang Yan & Webster, Equinox。
86. CSSCI核心,政治演讲语篇中的认同语义系统及语言资源选择——以奥巴马的一次演讲为例,2015,《外语教学》第1期。
87. CSSCI核心,多模态话语中的转译现象研究--以从大学英语课本到英语课堂教学的转译为例, 2015,《外语电化教学》第6期.
88. CSSCI核心,我国外语专业本科生多元能力结构探索,《外语界》第6期, 2015.
89. 国际刊物:Preliminary investigation into the construction of multimodal grammar,Linguistics and Human Sciences, Volume 10.1 Equinox. Doi:10.1558/lhs.v10il.27273, 2015.
1. 《功能语言学与外语教学》(中国英语教师丛书),352千字 2005 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 1
2. 《语言的功能与文体》(中国外语知名学者文库)420千字 2005 北京:高等教育出版社独
3. 《语篇衔接与连贯的理论的发展及应用》282千字 2003 上海:上海外语教育出版社 1
4. Teaching Writing in Chinese Speaking Areas(全英文版) 2005 美国纽约 Springer 出版社 2
5. 《功能文体学》 1998 济南:山东教育出版社 1
6. 《牛津英语搭配词典》1813页 2006 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 1
7. 《英语的衔接》 2007 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 1
8. 《系统功能语法概论》 1989 长沙:湖南教育出版社 3
9. 《系统功能语言学概论》 2005 北京:北京大学出版社 3
10.《第二语言习得与中国外语教学》 2007 上海:上海外语教育出版社 2
11.《英语文体学教程》(国家“十一五”规划教材) 2008 北京:高等教育出版社 1
12.《语篇分析理论的发展及应用》 2011 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 1
13.《英语文体学重点问题研究》2015,北京:外语教学与研究出版社 1
14.《多模态话语分析理论与外语教学》2015,北京:高等教育出版社 1
15.《英语文体学教程》(国家“十一五”规划教材)第二版,2016,北京:高等教育出版社 1
层次 | 题目 | 来源 | 经费(万) | 成果形式 | 立项时间 | 编号 |
国家课题 | 外语课堂教学多模态话语研究 | 国家社会科学基金项目 | 9 | 专著、研究报告 | 2008-2012 | 08BYY030 |
国家课题 | 外语本科生多元能力培养模式研究 | 国家社会科学基金项目 | 20 | 专著、系列论文 | 2014-2018 | 14BYY075 |
教育部 | 论语篇连贯的总体条件 | 教育部人文社会科学研究“九五”规划项目第二批立项课题 | 2 | 专著 | 1998-2001 | 98JAQ7400014 |
教育部 | 系统功能语言学语言教学思想研究 | 教育部人文社科研究科研基金项目 | 5 | 专著 | 2001-2005 | 01JA740006 |
山东省 | 汉英语篇连贯机制对比研究 | 山东省社科规划办项目 | 1 | 系列论文 | 2004—2006 | 04BYZ19 |
青岛市 | 青岛市外语环境建设研究 | 青岛市社科重点项目 | 1 | 论文 | 2003-2005 | QDSK030110 |
山东省教育厅 | 功能文体学研究 | 山东省教育委员会人文社科项目 | 0.2 | 专著 | 1993-1995 | |
国家 | 英语文体学教程 | 国家”十一五”规划教材,高等教育出版社 | 2 | 十一五教材 | 2007 | |
山东省 | 21世纪外语类研究培养模式研究 | 山东省研究生创新计划课题 | 4 | 研究报告 | 2006-2008 | |
海大 | 第二语言习得与中国外语教学 | 中国海洋大学团队项目 | 10 | 专著 | 2004-2005 | |
海大 | 语言学前沿理论及应用研究 | 中国海洋大学重点专项项目 | 10 | 系列论文 | 2007-2008 | |
教育部 | 高师本科英语教育专业总体培养模式 | 世界银行贷款“师范教育发展”教研项目 | 0.6美元 | 研究报告 | 1995-1997 |
2005. 08.10 享受国务院特殊津贴
2004.09. 被评为青岛市优秀教师
2006.06 2003-2005年度山东省高等学校优秀教师
2004.09.06 中国海洋大学“教学科研突出贡献奖”
题目 | 来源 | 等级 | 年 | 名次 |
《高师本科英语教育专业总体培养模式》 世行贷款师范发展项目 | 山东省优秀教学成果 | 二等奖 | 1997 | 1 |
功能文体学 | 山东省社科优秀科研成果 | 二等奖 | 1999 | 1 |
山东省社科优秀成果 | 二等奖 | 2002 | 1 | |
语类研究框架探索 | 山东省人文社科成果 | 二等奖 | 2004 | 1 |
功能语言学与外语教学 | 山东省社科优秀成果 | 二等奖 | 2007 | 1 |
语篇连贯研究纵横谈 | 山东省社科优秀科研成果 | 三等奖 | 2000 | 1 |
语篇连贯与衔接理论的发展及应用, | 山东省社科优秀科研成果 | 三等奖 | 2005 | 1 |
Role relationships and their realization in mood and modality',(1991). 国际杂 志TEXT II(2),荷兰 | 山东省教育委员会优秀科研成果 | 一等奖 | 1992 | 1 |
语篇衔接与连贯理论的发展(系列论文) | 山东省高校人文社科成果 | 一等奖 | 2003 | 1 |
语言的功能与文体 | 一等奖 | 2006 | 1 | |
功能语言学与外语教学 | 青岛市社科优秀科研成果 | 一等奖 | 2006 | 1 |
《语言学教程》 | 国家教育委员会教材 | 一等奖 | 1992 | 参编 |
《交际英语口语》 | 山东省教育委员会优秀科研成果 | 一等奖 | 1992 | 参编 |
系统功能语法概论》 | 全国第二届优秀图书 | 二等奖 | 1992 | 3 |
《系统功能语言学概论》 | 北京高等学校精品教材 | 精品教材 | 2006 | 3 |
北京市社科成果奖 | 一等 | 2008 | 3 | |
多模态话语分析理论与外语教学 | 上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果 | 二等奖 | 2016 | 1 |
Curriculum Vitea for Zhang Delu
I. General Introduction Zhang Delu, born in January 18, | |
II. Academic Titles Professor of English and Linguistics | |
III. Research Areas English and Chinese linguistics, functional stylistics, systemic functional linguistics, foreign language teaching. Semiotics, Multimodal Discourse Analysis. | |
IV. Academic Societies (i).Vice-Chairman of China Collegiate Functional Linguistics Society. (ii).Vice-Chairman of China Association of Semiotics and Language Studies. (iii) Vice-Chairman of China Stylistics Society (iv) Vice-Chairman of China English-Chinese Discourse Analysis Association. (v) Member of the Council of China Translation Association. | |
V. Supervision of Graduate Students MA students (MA in linguistics and applied linguistics), for 15 years, 98 have got their MA degree. Ph.D students (PhD in English language and literature), for 6 years, 12 have got their PhD degree, and there are 11 candidates under my supervision. Post-Doc: two post-doc researchers under my supervision, who are specialized in systemic computation linguistics and functional-cognitive linguistics. | |
VII. Major International Academic Activities (i).July, 1987--August, 1987, attending the 8th World Congress of Applied Linguistics held at the University of Sydney, Australia, and presenting a paper. (ii) August, 1995, attending the 22nd International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at the University of Beijing, P. R. CHINA, and presenting a paper. (iii) July 14-19, 1996, attending the 23rd International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. (sponsored by the Congress) , and presenting a paper. (iv) November 17—24, 1997, attending International Conference on Discourse Analysis. (Sponsored by the University of Macau) , and presenting a paper. [v] July 19-23, 2000, attending the 27th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at the University of Melbourne, Australia. (Bursary Assistence) , and presenting a paper. [vi] July22-27, 2001, attending the 28th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at Carleton University, Canada, and presenting a paper. (vii) July 21—26, 2004, attending the 31th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at Toshishe University, Kyoto, Japan, and presenting a paper. (viii) July 18—22, 2005, attending the 32th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at Sydney University, Australia, and presenting a paper. (ix) December 6-8, 2007, attending the First HCLC Congress: Becoming a World Language: the Growth of Chinese, English and Spanish, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and presenting a paper. (x) July, 14-18, 2009, attending the 37th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at Qinghua University, Beijing, China, and presenting a paper. (xi) November 12—14, 2010, holding the International and the 12th National Conference on Discourse Analysis Shanghai, China, and presenting a paper. (xii) July, 14-19, 2013. Attending the 40th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at Sen Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, and presenting a paper. |
VIII. Major Research Projects completed
1. National Social Science Foundation Project: Multi-Competencies Training Model for Foreign Language Majors in China, 2014-2017, No. 14BYY075. Forms of Research Achievements: Monograph and Papers.
2.National Social Science Foundation Project (Second Batch): Classroom Multimodal Discourse in Foreign Language Teaching, 2008-2013, No. 08BYY030. Forms of Research Achievements: Monograph and Research Report.
3. Social Science Foundation Project by the Ministry of Education: The Conditions for Text Coherence, 1998-2001. No. 98JAQ7400014. Forms of Research Achievements: Monograph (published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in 2003).
4. Social Science Foundation Project by the Ministry of Education: The Ideology of Language Teaching in Systemic Functional Linguistics. 2001-2004. No. 01JA740006. Forms of Research Achievements: Monograph and Serial Articles (published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and several renowned journals in China in 2005.)
5. Qingdao Municipal Social Science Foundation Project: The Construction of Foreign Language Environments in Qingdao. 2003-2005. No. QDSK030110. Forms of Research Achievements: Paper (published by Qingdao Daily, 2005).
6. Shandong Education Department Research Project: Studies on Functional Stylistics. 1993-1995. Forms of Research Achievements: Monograph (published by Shandong Education Press).
7. National Eleventh Five Year Plan Textbook Project: Course in English Stylistics. 2007-2008. Forms of Research Achievements: Textbook (published by Higher Education Press.)
8. Shandong Postgraduate Innovation Planning Project: The 21st Century Training Model for Postgraduate Students in Foreign Languages. 2006-2008. Forms of Research Achievements: Research Report. Finished.
9. World Bank Loan “Teachers Education Development” Project: Comprehensive Training Model for Undergraduate in English Language Education in Advanced Teacher Education. 1995-1997. Forms of Research Achievements: Research Report. Finished.
IX. Prizes and Awards in Teaching and Scientific Research |
Comprehensive Training Model for Undergraduate in English Language Education in Advanced Teacher Education (World Bank Loan “Teachers Education Development” Project) won the second prize for Shandong Provincial Teaching Awards in 1997. First. Functional Stylistics. (monograph) won the second prize for Shandong Social Science Excellent Achievements in 1999. Independent. On Cohesion won the second prize for Shandong Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2002. Independent. Investigating the Research Framework for Genre won the second prize for Shandong Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2004. Independent. Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching won the second prize for Shandong Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2007, First, and the first prize for Qingdao Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2006. General Survey of Text Coherence Study won the third prize for Shandong Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2000. Independent. The Development and Application of the Theory of Text Coherence and Cohesion won the third prize for Shandong Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2005. First. Role relationships and their realization in mood and modality',(1991). TEXT II(2) won the first prize for Shandong Education Department Social Science Excellent Achievements in 1992. Independent. SSCI. |
The Development of the Theory of Text Cohesion and Coherence (Serial Articles) the first prize for Shandong Education Department Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2003. First. Language Function and Linguistic Style won the first prize for Shandong Education Department Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2003. Independent. Linguistics: A Course Book won the first prize for National Education Commission Textbook Awards in 1992. One of the Compilers. Survey of Systemic Functional Linguistics won the first prize of Beijing Advanced Institutions Excellent Textbooks Awards in 2008. Third. |
X. Major Publications in Chinese (except otherwise noticed) | ||||||||
I. Major ARTICLES (Listed chronologically) (all together 118 papers till the end of 2016) | ||||||||
S.No | Articles | Status | ||||||
1 | 'A linguistic framework for stylistic analysis'. 1987. Paper presented at the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics. University of Sydney, Australia (in English). | Conference paper | ||||||
2 | 'On register theory', 1987. Modern Foreign Languages ( Journal of Guangzhou Foreign Languages Studies University.) No. 4. Guangzhou. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
3 | 'Thematic theory and its application in text analysis'. 1987. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. Additional Issue. Jinan. | key | ||||||
4 | 'Focus and scope of information structures. ' 1987. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. ( Journal of the Foreign Language Teaching Society of the Advanced Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province). No.4. Jinan. | key | ||||||
5 | 'Functional linguistics and stylistic analysis'. 1988. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.4. Jinan. | key | ||||||
6 | 'On the focus, scope and point of departure of stylistic analysis.1989. Journal of Liaocheng Teachers University No.2. Liaocheng. | |||||||
7 | 'Thematic theory and foreign language teaching'. 1989. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching . No.4. Jinan. | key | ||||||
8 | 'Analysis on the degree of language difficulties'. 1990. University Foreign Languages. No.1. Shanghai. | |||||||
9 | 'On the predictive power of register', 1990. Journal of Foreign Languages (Journal of Shanghai Foreign Languages Studies University). No. 3. Shanghai. | Key & CSSCI MLA | ||||||
10 | 'Desirability in social interaction and Mood and Modality in grammar' 1990. Language System and Language Function. Beijing University Press. | |||||||
11 | 'Register variation theory and foreign language teaching'. 1990. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.3. Jinan. | Key | ||||||
12 | 'Role Relationships and their realization in Mood and Modality', TEXT II(2), 1991. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Editor: Teun A. van Dijk .(in English) | SSCI & LLBA | ||||||
13 | 'Comment on English Stylistics'. 1991. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.4. Jinan. | Key | ||||||
14 | 'Context, text, context'. 1992. Foreign Language world. (Journal of Shanghai Foreign Languages Studies University.) No.2. Shanghai. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
15 | 'On style'. 1992. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.2. Jinan. | Key | ||||||
16 | 'On system networks of systemic grammar'. 1992. Journal of Liaocheng Teachers University. No.2. Liaocheng. | |||||||
17 | 'Systemic grammar and pragmatics'. 1992. Journal of Foreign Languages, No. 3. Shanghai. | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
18 | 'Information structure and text coherence'. 1992. Foreign Language Study. (Journal of Nanjing Foreign Language Studies Institute).No. 3. Nanjing. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
19 | ‘The Linguistic characteristics of English for science and technology.' 1993. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.1. Jinan. | Key | ||||||
20 | 'The non-structural mode of organization of language and text coherence: on the conditions of text coherence. 1993. ' Journal of Foreign Languages. No. 3. | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | ||||||
21 | 'On perseverence'. 1993. Modern Foreign Languages. No.4 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
22 | 'Cohesive devices and text coherence: on the conditions of text coherence'. 1994. Modern Foreign Languages. No. 3. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
23 | 'Thematic structure and text coherence'. 1994. Foreign Language Study. No.3. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
24 | 'Semiotics and Foregrounding'. 1994. Foreign Languages. No. 6. Shanghai, | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | ||||||
25 | 'On linguistic symbols'. 1994. Journal of Liaocheng Teachers University Additional Issue. Liaocheng. | |||||||
26 | 'The stylistic effects of the prominent features of graphology'. 1995. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.1. Jinan. | Key | ||||||
27 | 'A functional interpretation of inference', 1995. Language, Context and Culture. Hangzhou University Press.(in English) | |||||||
28 | ‘A cultural and functional interpretation of Chinese word order.’ 1995. Paper presented at the 22nd International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at Beijing University. August. 1995. Published in Fang Yan (editor) The Development of Systemic Functional Linguistics in China. Beijing Qinghua University Press. (in English) | Conference paper | ||||||
29 | ‘On Subject in modern Chinese: a comparative study between the Chinese Subject and the English Subject.’ 1996. Paper presented at the 23rd International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress held at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia from July 14 to July 19, 1996.(in English). | Conferencee paper | ||||||
30 | ‘On Taking the Linguistic Sign as the Basic Unit of Analysis’. 1997. Journal of Foreign Languages. No. 4. | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | ||||||
31 | ‘The Grammaticalization of Text Structure.’ 1997. in Xie Fengshang, (editor), The Studies in Linguistics.Changchun: Jilin Education Press. | |||||||
32 | ’A Teaching Model for English Education Specialty in Advanced Colleges and Universities. in Li Yuchen, (editor), New Thinking in English Teaching. Shandong Friendship Publishing Company. | |||||||
33 | ”Interpersonal Organization of Chinese Clause as a Unit of Exchange’. 1977. Paper presented at the 5th National Systemic Functional Grammar Symposium. University of Chongqing. | |||||||
34 | On the Scope and Realization of the Tenor of Discourse. 1998. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. No.1. | Key & CSSCI, LLBA. | ||||||
35 | ’The Multi-level Nature of Text Structure and its Coherence: from Text to Clause’. 1998. Journal of Sichuan Foreign Languages Institute. No, 3. | Key | ||||||
36 | ‘On the Internal Conditions for Systemic Functional Linguistics to Develop in China’, 1998. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, NO.3. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
37 | ‘Comment on “Outline of Western Stylistics”’, 1998. Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching. No,4. | Key | ||||||
38 | On Interactional Intentions in Social Communications’, 1998. Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute. No. 3. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
39 | ‘The Organization of Chinese Clause as Interpersonal Exchange’, 1998. In Yu Weisen, et al. (ed.) “Language Functions: System, Pragmatics and Cognition”, Chongqing University Press. | |||||||
40 | “Comment on Halliday’s Functional Stylistic Theory”, 1999. Foreign Languages Teaching and Research, No.1. | Key & CSSCI, LLBA. | ||||||
41 | “Types of Implicatures and Their Decoding Seen From the Point of View of the Relations between Form and Context”, 1999. Foreign Language Study, No.3 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
42 | “On the Noumenon of the Linguistic Sign”, 1999, in Chen Zhi’an, et al (eds.) New Development of Linguistics and Semiotics in China. Sichuan Science and Technology Press. | |||||||
43 | “A Survey of the Research on Text Coherence”, 1999. Journal of Foreign Languages. No. 6. | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
44 | “On Text Coherence”, 2000, pp. 103-109, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 2. | Key & CSSCI, LLBA. | ||||||
45 | “The Cohesive force of Non-linguistic Features”, pp. 21-25. Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute, No.4 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
46 | “Introduction to About English: A reader for Writers”, 2000. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. | |||||||
47 | “Cohesive Force and Text Coherence”, 2001, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, No. 1. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
48 | “’From Text to Clause: The Multi-level Structures of Text and its Coherence’. 2001. Proceedings of International Conference on Discourse Analysis. Macau: Macau University Press. | Conference paper | ||||||
49 | “On Cohesion”, 2001. Journal of Foreign Languages. N02. | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
50 | “On the Principles of Cohesion” 2001. Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute, No.6 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
51 | Sociocultural factors and text coherence, Journal of Foreign Languages School, Shandong Teachers University, No.4, 2000,p.1—9. | |||||||
52 | ‘From Text to Clause: The multi-level structures of text and its coherence’, Grammar and Discourse:.Macau: Macau University Publication Centre.(In English) | |||||||
53 | On Cohesion, Journal of Foreign Languages, No.2, 2001. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
54 | On the principles of Internal Cohesion, Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute, No.6, 2001 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
55. | Cohesive Force and Text Coherence, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, No.1, 2001 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
56 | Introduction to Cohesion in English, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001 | |||||||
57 | The principles of cohesion, Paper presented at the 28th ISFL Congress in Carlton. 2001. | Conference Paper | ||||||
58 | Linguistics: An Advanced Course Book, Chapter 8. Beijing University Press. 2002 | |||||||
59 | Multi-Disciplinary Study on Linguistics and its Application. 2002. | |||||||
60 | Investigating Research Frameworks on Genre, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No.5 2002. | Key & CSSCI, LLAB | ||||||
61 | General Survey on Genre Studies, Journal of Foreign Languages, No.4, 2002 | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
62 | Cohesion and Style: the Stylistic features of Reference and lexical cohesion, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.10, 2002 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
63 | The Scope of genre studies and its application in foreign language teaching, Electronic Teaching in Foreign Languages, No.4, 2002 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
64 | On Cross-type cohesion in Texts, Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute, No.6, 2002 | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
65 | The Generic Structure Potential of Practical Texts, Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching. No.1 2002. | Key | ||||||
66 | Text Coherence and Translation, Journal of Foreign Languages School, Shandong Teachers University, No.1, 2002. | |||||||
67 | Linguistic Signs and Their Systems, Journal of Foreign Languages, No.1 2003. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
68 | On Cohesive Relations, Foreign Languages Teaching, No.1 2003. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
69 | Cross-type, cross-rank and cross-level cohesion in texts, in Qian Jun (ed) Linguistics: China Keeps Pace with the World, Beijing University Press. 2003. | |||||||
70 | Cross-Rank and Cross Level Cohesion, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.10, 2003. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
71 | New Development in Systemic Functional Linguistics. Contemporary Linguistics. No.1: 57—65. 2004. Republished by Renda Reduplicating Academic Material. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
72 | Research on Teaching Theory based on Halliday’s Functional Linguistics. Foreign Language Teaching. No.3. 18—23. 2004. | Key & CSSCI, | ||||||
73 | The system of objectives in language teaching and its application, Journal of Sichuan Foreign Languages Studies University. No 4. 140—145. 2004. | Key | ||||||
74 | Context theory and Audiovisual teaching, Journal of Electronic and Internet Teaching in Foreign Languages.No.4.2004. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
75 | Coherence seen from a Systemic Functional Point of View,International Journal of Educational Engineering, No.2: 97—106. 2004. | |||||||
76 | On the basic unit of modern Chinese, Paper presented at the 31st ISFL Congress, Kyoto, Japan. 2004. | Conference paper | ||||||
77 | Systemic functional linguistics and electronic foreign language teaching. Journal of Electronic and Internet Teaching in Foreign Languages. No.6. 2004. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
78 | Investigating the Postgraduate training model in Foreign languages. China Foreign Languages. No.4.2005. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
79 | Survey of the Achievements of Systemic Functional Language Teaching Theories. 2005. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.1. 19-22. 2005. | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
80 | Form and Meaning in text cohesion. Journal of Foreign Languages. No.5.32—38. 2005. | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
81 | The Development of systemic functional linguistics in China, Continuing Discourse on Language. England: Equinox,15-36.2005,。(In English) | Book Chapter | ||||||
82 | Type and Aspect of Grammatical Categorization: Appraisal. International Journal of Educational Engineering.No.5. 2006. | |||||||
83 | The Macro-Principles in Text Coherence. Foreign languages and Their Teaching. No.10. 7—10. 2006. | Key & CSSCI, MLA | ||||||
84 | Formal and Semantic Categorizations. Foreign Language teaching and Research. No.6. 423-427. 2006. Reprinted in Zhang Keding et al (Ed.). System, Function and Appraisal. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2007. First. | Key & CSSCI, LLBA | ||||||
85 | Investigating the reform of training model for English Graduate Students, in Hua Mingda (Ed.) Beijing, International Culture Publishing Corporation, 2006. Independent. | Book chapter | ||||||
86 | Investigating the research methodology in functional stylistics. Journal of Sichuan Foreign Languages Institute. No.6.2007. Independent. | Key | ||||||
87 | The characteristics of the structure of quarrel discourse. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.12. 2007. Second. | Key and CSSCI | ||||||
88 | Reading Guide for Language and Education. Beijing: Beijing University Press. 2007. | |||||||
89 | Zi (Character) as the basic unit of grammar and functional grammar. In Yang Zijian (ed.) The Theory of Zi as the Basic Unit of Grammar and its Applications. Jinan: Shandong Education Press. 2008. | |||||||
90 | Comparativity and interlingual Stylistics. In Liu Shisheng et al. Stylistics: China in Pace of the World. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press. 2008. | |||||||
91 | On the Principle of Formal Similarity between Congruent and Metaphorical forms in Grammatical Metaphor. Journal of Foreign Languages. No.6. 2008. | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | ||||||
92 | Metaphorical features and text coherence. Foreign Languages Journal. No.1. 2008. Second. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
93 | Metaphorical configuration and the model of text organization. Foreign Language Teaching. No.1. 2008. Second. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
94 | Contrastive study on the coherent devices between Chinese and English. Journal of Ocean University of China. No.4. first. | Key | ||||||
95 | Comprehensive theoretical framework for multimodal discourse analysis. China Foreign Languages. No.1. 2009. Independent. | Key & CSSCI. | ||||||
96 | The theory of multimodal discourse analysis and its application in multimedia technology in foreign language teaching. Foreign Language Teaching. No.4 2009. Reprinted in Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis Vol.2. Higher Education Press. 2010. Independent. | |||||||
97 | French vous effected by field, tenor and mode. Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute. No.2.2009. Second. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
98 | Characteristics of Chinese Mood system. Foreign Languages. No.5. 2009. Independent | Key | ||||||
99 | Foregrounding in Codeswitching. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.11. 2009. Independent. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
100 | A preliminary study on the semantic integration of verb-noun nominalization. Modern Foreign Languages. No.4. 2009. Second. | Key & CSSCI | ||||||
[101].Zhang DL & Zhao J. On the Conditions of Preposition-noun Nominalization with Formal Similarity in Chinese. Journal of Foreign Languages. No4. 2010. 32-38 | ISSN1104--5139 | CN31—1038/H | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | |||||
[102].Zhang DL. Preliminary Investigation into the Concept of Design and the Selection of Modalities in Multimodal Foreign Language Teaching. Foreign Languages in China. No.3. 2010. 48-53+75 | ISSN1672—9382 | CN11—5280/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[103].Zhang DL & Zhang SJ. Investigating the principles for multimodal Textbook Compilation. Foreign Languages World. No.5. 2010. 26-33. | ISSN1004—5112 | CN31—1040/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[104].Zhang DL. The Synergy of Different Modes in Multimodal Discourse and Their Realization in Foreign Language Teaching. Foreign Language Research. No.2. 2010. 9-14. | ISSN1005--7242 | CN32—1001/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[105].Zhang DL. Theory and practice of appliable social semiotics. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.5. 2010. 6-10. | ISSN1004--6038 | CN21—1060/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[106].Li J. & Zhang DL. Investigating the rhythmic model of the features of engagement in TV news interviews. Foreign Language Education. No.4. 2010. 6-10+19. | ISSN1000--5544 | CN61—1023/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[107] Bu Zhanting & Zhang DL. Interpreting the X-gate Phenomenon from the Perspective of the Adaptation Theory. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.4.2010. 71-75. | ISSN1002--2643 | CN37—1026/H | Key | |||||
[108] Zhang DL & Zhou NN. On the Detachability of Tags in Tag Questions in English. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.3. 2010. 12-16. | ISSN1674—8921 | CN31—2039/H | ||||||
[109] Zhang DL & Qin SH. Martin on Interdisciplinarity. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.6. 2010: 13-16+27. | ISSN1674—8921 | CN31—2039/H | ||||||
[110] Zhang DL. Martin’s study on Genre. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.10. 2010: 29-34. | ISSN1674—8921 | CN31—2039/H | ||||||
[111] Guo EH, Bu ZT & Zhang DL. The theory of context in SFL and the choice of titles. China Sociolinguistics. No.1. 2010: 44-55. | ISSN1279--5147 | |||||||
[112] Zhang DL. The Meaning of Function: Syntax in Systemic Functional Linguistics (287-291)(In English), in Fang Yan & Wu Canzhong, 2010, Challeges to Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the Conference ISFC36 Beijing July 2009, The 36th ISFC36 Organizing Committee, Tsinghua University and Macquarie University. | Internal Conference Proceedings | |||||||
[113] Zhang DL. Systemic Functional Linguistics and My Academic Life. In Huang Guowen (ed.) Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2010. | Book chapter | |||||||
[114] Zhang DL & He JH. Comment on the Interview of Halliday and Hasan. Journal of Foreign Languages. No.5. 2010. 88-94. | ISSN1104--5139 | CN31—1038/H | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | |||||
[115] Zhang DL. Survey on the Cardiff Grammar. Contemporary Linguistics. No.4. 2011. 247-255. | ISSN1007-8274 | CN11—3879/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[116] Zhang DL & Wang Q. The image-word relation on traffic sign boards and their interpreting process. Foreign Language Education. No.4. 2011. 27-30. | ISSN1000--5544 | CN61—1023/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[117] Zhang Delu. Systemic functional linguistics. Foreign Languages in China. No.3. 2011. 1-2. | ISSN1672—9382 | CN11—5280/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[118] Zhang DL & Yuan YY. Synergy of modes in dynamic multimodal discourse: taking weather broadcasting as an example. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.5. 2011. 9-16, | ISSN1002--2643 | CN37—1026/H | Key | |||||
[119] Zhang DL & Liu XL. Lexicogrammar in critical discourse analysis. Journal of Ocean University of China. No.2.2011. 101-106. | ISSN1672-335X | CN37-1407/C | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[120] Zhang DL. Contrastive study of the text forming function of meta-signs between English and Chinese. Journal of Dezhou College. No.1. 2011. 10-16. | ISSN1004--9444 | CN37—1372/Z | ||||||
[121] Zhang DL. The New Development of the Theory of Discourse Analysis and its Application. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2012. Pp.406. | ISBN978-7-5135-2050-8 | Book Chapter | ||||||
[122] Zhang DL. Investigating multimodal semiotic resources and media systems, Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.3. 2012. 122-127. | ISSN1674—8921 | CN31—2039/H | ||||||
[123] Zhang DL. Investigating a training model for the development of multiliteracies. Foreign Languages Research. No.2, 2012. | ISSN1005--7242 | CN32—1001/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[124] Zhang DL. The Multimodal Synergy in Classroom Multimodal Discourse, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. No.1, 2012. 9-14. | ISSN1004--6038 | CN21—1060/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[125] Zhang DL. On Multimodal Design, Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching. No.1. 2012. | ISSN1002--2643 | CN37—1026/H | Key | |||||
[126] Zhang DL. Issues in the Construction of Multimodal Grammar. Foreign Language Research. No.3. 2012: 38-44. | ISSN1005--7242 | CN32—1001/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[127] Zhang DL & Mu ZG. The Theoretical Framework of Multimodal Stylistics. Foreign Language Education. No.3.2012: 1-6. | ISSN1000--5544 | CN61—1023/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[128] Zhang DL. Grammar and Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics. Journal of Tongji University. No.1, 2012: 89-98. | ISSN1009--3060 | CN31—1777/C | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[129] Li XN & Zhang DL. The formalization process of systemic functional Linguistics. Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching. No.1, 2012: 27-34. | ISSN1002--2643 | CN37—1026/H | Key | |||||
[130] Zhang DL & Guo EH. The dual perspectives of multimodal discourse analysis: the connection and complementarity between social semiotics and conceptual metaphor. Journal of Foreign Languages. No.3. 2013: 20-28. | ISSN1003--6105 | CN44—1165/H | Key & CSSCI, MLA. | |||||
[131] Zhang DL. A Multimodal Selection Framework in Foreign Language Teaching. Foreign Languages World. No.3. 2013: 39-46. | ISSN1004—5112 | CN31—1040/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[132] Zhang DL & Lei Q. Research on Grammatical Metaphor in China. Foreign Language Education. No.3. 2013: 1-6. | ISSN1000--5544 | CN61—1023/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[133] Zhang DL & Dong J. On the Developmental Models of Grammatical Metaphor. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. No.1. 2014. 32-44. | ISSN1000-0429 | CN11—1251/G4 | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[134] Zhang DL & Zhang SQ. Comment on the Factors that influence the anaphora accessibility from a cognitive-psychological perspective. Foreign Language Research. No.1 2014. 30-34. | ISSN1005--7242 | CN32—1001/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[135] Zhang DL & Liu R. Teaching design for multiliteracies—taking students’ oral reports as an example. Foreign Languages in China. No.3. 2014. 45-52. | ISSN1672—9382 | CN11—5280/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[136] Zhang DL & Zhang SQ. On Learning by design: Studies on Multiliteracies training model. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages. No.1. 2014. 1-8. | ISSN1002—722X | CN41—1164/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[137] Feng DZ, Zhang DL & O’Halloran, K. Advances and Frontiers of Multimodal discourse analysis. Contemporary Linguistics. No.1 2014. 88-99. | ISSN1007--8274 | CN11—3879/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[138] Lei Q. & Zhang DL. Multimodal Stylistics: A New Method for stylistic study. Foreign Language Education. No.5. 2014. 1-4. | ISSN1000--5544 | CN61—1023/H | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[139] Zhang DL & Sun ZG. The zero article and no/null article systems: The reconstruction of the article systems. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.3 2014. 25-32. | ISSN1000--5544 | CN61—1023/H | Key | |||||
[140] Zhang DL & Zhang SQ. Explorations in the Social Semiotics Theorizing. Studies in Linguistics and Literature. No.6 2013. 1-14. | ISBN9787-7-5447-1292-7 | |||||||
[141] Zhang JT & Zhang DL. The analysis of pragmatic risks from the perspective of game theory. Modern Chinese. No.9. 2014. 111-115. | ISSN1008—8024 | CN37—1333/G4 | ||||||
[142] Zhang DL. The Meaning of Function: Syntax in Systemic Functional Linguistics (In English). Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Application, Edited by Fang Yan & Webster, Equinox.2014. 48-57. | ISBN978-1-84553-995-5 | |||||||
[143] Zhang DL & Sun SG. The semantic system of identification and the choice of linguistic resource in political speeches—Taking one of Obama’s speeches as an example. Foreign Language Education. No. 2015. 13-16. | CN61-1023/H | ISSN-1000-5544 | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[144] Zhang DL. Preliminary investigation into the construction of multimodal grammar(In English). Linguistics and Human Sciences, Volume 10.1 Equinox. 2015: 1-11. Doi:10.1558/lhs.v10il.27273 | ISSN1742-2906(print) ISSN1743-1662(online) | |||||||
[145] Sun MY. & Zhang DL. On the textual devices in the appraisal system. Modern Foreign Languages. No.1. 2015: 26-36. | CN 44-1165/H | ISSN 1003-6105 | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[146] Zhang DL & Qu T. Modal translation in multimodal discourse—taking the translation of College English textbooks into English classroom teaching. Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education. No.6.2015:17-23. | CN-31-1036/G4 | ISSN 1001-5795 | Key & CSSCI | |||||
[147] Zhang SJ & Zhang DL. Systemic functional linguistics: Theory and application. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No.4.2015: 3-8. | CN-37-1026/G4 | ISSN 1002-2643 | Key. | |||||
[148] Zhang DL. Editor’s words (for four articles in one column. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.9. 2015:7. | CN-31-2039/H | ISSN 1674-8921 | ||||||
[149] Lei Q & Zhang DL. A multimodal stylistic study of the two covers of Graham Lawle’s Women’s World. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.9. 2015: 20-25. | CN-31-2039/H | ISSN 1674-8921 | ||||||
[150] Liu R. & Zhang DL. On the assessment framework for Chinese College Students’ multiliteracies in foreign languages. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. No.9. 2015. 26-32. | CN-31-2039/H | ISSN 1674-8921 | ||||||
1 | Linguistics: A Course Book. 1988. p.422. Collaborated with Hu Zhuanglin et al. Beijing University Press. (in English). The book won the first prize of the most distinguished scientific research achievements in 1992 awarded by the State Education Commission. | Textbook |
2 | A Survey of Systemic Functional Grammar. 1989. p.285. Collaborated with Hu Zhuanglin and Zhu Yong sheng. Hunan Education Press. The book won the second prize of the excellent textbooks in 1992 awarded by the State General Publishing Bureau. | Monograph |
3 | Meaning and Style of English Texts: A Course Book. 1992. p. 295. Reprinted in 1995. Qingdao Ocean University Press. (in English). | Textbook |
4 | Short Introduction to the Bible. 1992. Translator of the Bible stories. Today's China Press. | Translation |
5 | Communicative Spoken English Book Two. 1992. (in English) Contributor. The book won the first prize of the most distinguished scientific research achievements in 1992 awarded by Shandong Education Commission. Shanghai Transportation University Press. | textbook |
6 | Communicative Spoken English Teacher's Book. 1993. (in English). contributor. Shanghai Transportation University Press. | Textbook |
7 | Encyclopedic Dictionary for English Studies. 1994. Jilin Education Press. | Dictionary |
8 | Dictionary of Stylistics. 1994. Editor. Shandong Education Press. | Dictionary |
9 | Functional Stylistics. (1997). Shandong Education Press. The book won the second prize of the most distinguished scientific research achievements in 1999 awarded by Shandong Province. | Monograph |
10 | New Development in the Theory of Cohesion and Coherence and its Applications. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press. 2003. | Monograph |
11 | Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching. [2005], Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. No.1 author | Monograph |
12 | Functions of Language and Linguistic Style. [2005], Beijing: Higher Education Press. | Monograph |
13. | General Survey of Systemic Functional Linguistics. [2005], Beijing: Beijing University Press. | Monograph |
14 | Teaching Writing in Chinese Spoken Areas, [2005] Edited in collaboration with Mark Shum [in English] | Collection of Papers |
15. | Oxford Collocations Dictionary. [2006] Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.No1.Translator | Translation |
16 | Cohesion in English. [2007] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Translator. | Translation |
17 | A Coursebook on English Stylistics. [2007] Beijing: Higher Education Press. | |
18 | The New Development of the Theory of Discourse Analysis and its Application [2012] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. | Monograph |
19 Zhang DL. Key Issues in English Stylistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2015. Pp.338. ISBN978-7-5135-5564-7 Monograph
20 Zhang DL. Et al. Multimodal Discourse Analysis and Foreign Language Teaching. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2015. Pp. 311. ISBN978-7-04-041717-3 Monograph
XII. Correspondence: | 201 Tongwen Building School of Foreign Languages Tongji University 1239 Siping Road, Yangpu District Shanghai, 200092 |