



Trends of English Language Teaching in China

---- Local Contexts and Global Perspectives




Speaker: Jun Liu Associate Professor

      University of Arizona

                     TESOL President (2006-2007)

演讲者:刘骏 副教授




English language education in China has recently been the center of attention in a global community symbolized by initiatives of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.), the leading association of English language teachers around the world.  Trends, innovations, and challenges in language teaching confronted by the world affect, and are affected by, the local English language education reform in China reciprocally.   In this presentation, Liu will review the changing perspectives of the profession over the last few decades, assess the current practice of English language teaching in China, and speculate the future of English language education reform in China in the next decade.





Introduction of the speaker:



Jun Liu received his Ph.D. from the Foreign and Second Language Education Program in the College of Education at the Ohio State University in 1996, after teaching English in China as a university language educator for over ten years. Dr. Liu is a tenured professor at the University of Arizona.  His research interests include curriculum development and syllabus design, teacher education, classroom-based second language learning and teaching, and second language reading and writing. He has published in TESOL Quarterly, ELT Journal, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, Language and Intercultural Communication, and Educational Research Quarterly, among others.  He is the author of the book entitled Asian students’ classroom communication patterns in US universities published by the Greenwood Publishing Group in 2001, and the co-author of Peer Response in Second Language Writing Classrooms, published by University of Michigan Press in 2002. He is editor of the peer-refereed journal “Review of Applied Linguistics in China”, and also co-editor of Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. A recipient of The 1999 TESOL (Teachers of English to the Speakers of Other Languages) Newbury House Award for Excellence in Teaching, and co-founder and Past Chair of Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL Caucus (NNEST), he served on the TESOL Board of Directors serving as Director at Large (2001-2004), and was appointed as TESOL Representative in China in 2004. Dr. Liu is now TESOL President as the first Nonnative English Speaker in TESOL’s 40-year history.


刘骏,毕业于苏州大学英语系,留校任教十年后赴美深造,并于 1996 年获得俄亥俄州立大学博士学位。现任美国亚里桑纳州立大学英语系及第二语言习得与教学博士点终身教授及博导。博士的主要研究方向为:教学大纲及课程设计、教师培训、二语课堂教学研究、二语阅读与写作等。 TESOL Quarterly, ELT Journal, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching , Language and Intercultural Communication, Educational Research Quarterly 等国际刊物上发表论文数十篇出版论著如 Asian students' classroom communication patterns in US universities (2001), Peer Response in Second Language Writing Classrooms (2002) 另外,博士还兼任十多种国际学术期刊(如Review of Applied Linguistics in ChinaMichigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers的编委1999 年获得世界优秀英语教师奖。曾任世界英语教师协会(TESOL )常务理事( 2001-2004 ),2004年被委任为TESOL驻华代表。博士是TESOL 40年历史上 唯一一位来自非英语母语国家的主席。




Time: 1:30PM ThursdaySept 28th, 2006

Place:  Room 518, Hui Wen Building
