

【bat365在线平台外文讲坛第四十五期】Publishing in English-language applied linguistics journals



题目:Publishing in English-language applied linguistics journals



地点:bat365在线平台四平路校区 同文楼314

嘉宾:Professor Rick Kern(美国加州大学伯克利分校教授)

主持:沈骑 教授



Rick Kern是美国加州大学伯克利分校法语教授,语言中心主任,主要从事法语语言学和外语教育的教学与研究,主要研究领域:语言习得与素养、语言与技术关系。他是语言学习与技术(SSCI)期刊副主编,二语期刊教师论坛主编,他的学术著作包括:Screens and Scenes: Multimodal Communication in Online Intercultural Encounters (Routledge, 2018), Language, Literacy, and Technology (2015 Cambridge UP)Literacy and Language Teaching (Oxford UP) Network-Based Language Teaching (Cambridge UP).


Rick Kern is Professor of French and Director of the Berkeley Language Center at the University of California at Berkeley.He teaches courses in French linguistics, language, and foreign language pedagogy, and supervises graduate teaching assistants.His research interests include language acquisition, literacy, and relationships between language and technology. He is Associate Editor for Language Learning & Technology and Editor of the Teacher’s Forum section of L2 Journal. Professor Kern has most recently completed Screens and Scenes: Multimodal Communication in Online Intercultural Encounters (Routledge, 2018), co-edited with Christine Develotte, and in 2015 he published Language, Literacy, and Technology (Cambridge UP). Earlier books include Literacy and Language Teaching (Oxford UP) and Network-Based Language Teaching (Cambridge UP) with Mark Warschauer.


在本次讲座中,演讲者将结合自己在三本国际著名应用语言学期刊The Modern Language Journal, L2 Journal, and Language Learning & Technology担任学术编辑的经验,重点介绍论文提交与评审过程,介绍主编与审稿人评价论文的标准与尺度,拒稿要素与原因,以及修改稿件过程的重要性。讲座人还将就听众提出的问题进行现场交流与互动。

In this presentation I will talk about my experience working with three major applied linguistics journals: The Modern Language Journal, L2 Journal, and Language Learning & Technology. I will describe the submission and review process, how editors and reviewers evaluate manuscripts, what kinds of problems make a manuscript unpublishable, and the importance of the revision process. Plentiful time will be allocated for questions from audience members.


